I have been working on lighting one of the shots for Becca and Andrew Monin's film "The Stamp Collector". This is the process I undertook for my first go at this scene:

Andrew told me that he wanted the light to be coming from the window - and because there were no modelled lights in the scene I assumed that this was also the primary source of light (unless he wants me to also have lights coming from imaginary sources out of shot). In the picture above I simply put a basic lighting setup together to get a strong light pouring from the window and casting appropriate shadows. Also I put a string of light in the back corner of the wall to make sure that it doesnt get lost in the black. With my lighting rig i will be faking global illumination for use with the maya software renderer and bouncing light from different axis'.

Now that I have worked more on the rig I have an obviously fuller image of lights. This is still a rig in it's early stages. I have also added some subtle light rays coming through the window but as a whole I do not like the image as it is.

Here I have exaggerated the rays of light - which I like but will have to show Andrew and see if it is what they were looking for in the shot. Until then I will keep playing around and create a proper rig for this scene.